Lose weight with these soup recipes. If you always struggled to lose weight and keep a balanced diet but hardly got any results, these soup recipes will totally change your body weight.

I love any kind of soup and I grow up in my family with the tradition to eat homemade meals. Besides the healthy benefits, soups are delicious if cooked properly.
Red lentil soup recipe

I have often prepared this soup but not to lose weight, just because is healthy and contains a lot of calories. When you don’t have any idea what to cook, lentil soup can be a good option; is tasty and very easy to prepare it.
The lentil soup is originated from Turkey, according to Wikipedia. Due to reduced cooking time, lentil is an excellent alternative to beans, ideal in soup or cooked with meat and vegetables.
Lentil is classified as a nutritional grade A food because of its high fibre, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and protein content and very low-fat content. The lentil does not contain cholesterol and provides a caloric intake of approximately 110-160 kcal / 100g, depending on the variety of lentils and the way of preparation.
350-400 g of red lentils
2-2.5 litres of water
1 carrot
2 onions
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon of salt
2 bay leaves
2 finely chopped garlic cloves
half a teaspoon of paprika
How to prepare red lentil soup:
Wash and leave the lentil soaked one hour before making the soup. Heat the oil in a saucepan; add onion, garlic and chopped carrot then cook for about a minute ( make sure it won’t burn).
Next, add the tomato purée and paprika and boil for about 5 minutes while stirring. Add the water (more or less) depends on how thick you like the soup to be. Boil for another 30 minutes until all ingredients are homogenized.
We season with salt and pepper. If you like the soup more creamy, use a blender and mix until it reaches a creamy composition.
Serve with freshly squeezed lemon juice if you like.
Tomato soup recipe

- 1 kg of tomatoes
- 1 red pepper
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 3 tablespoons of rice
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- green parsley
- saltÂ
How to prepare tomato soup:
Boil the tomatoes in a saucepan.
Meanwhile, we clean the carrot, pepper and onion. We chop the onion and cut the carrots in small pieces.
After boiling the tomatoes, let them cool. Peel the skin of tomatoes, then mix it with a blender until they become paste.
In a large saucepan, we add oil and the chopped onions; once the onions are getting slightly fried, one at a time add the carrot and the red pepper, then mix all together and leave for 5 minutes.
The following step is to add the tomato paste along with 2-3 cups of water and boil on a small fire for 2 minutes.
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We wash the rice and soak for 5 minutes, then add it to the soup. Boil all together for a few minutes on small fire until the rice gets soft. In the end, add salt and green parsley. You can serve hot or cold, either way, is delicious.
Beans soup recipe

500 g of beans
1 large carrot
1 onion
2-3 tomatoes
green dill
1/2 teaspoon thyme
black pepper grains
1 bay leaf
1 red pepper
oil and salt
Wash and soak the beans in cold water the night before. The next day boil the beans separately until they start to soften a little bit. Add one at a time, the sliced ​​carrot and red pepper, thyme, a bay leaf, salt and black pepper beans.
Separately, in a pan, add the chopped onion with a little oil (about 25ml) then add the tomatoes cut in very small pieces and boil well until it softens.
When the beans are boiled, add the tomatoes and onions and let it boil for few more minutes.
Seasoned with chopped green dill, you can serve it cold or hot.
Bon appetit!