Awesome beauty hacks for pregnant women. Try these methods to deal with pregnancy body transformations easily and enjoy the magical feeling of carrying a new life in your belly.

Try these awesome beauty hacks for pregnant women that will make you feel attractive and confident even when your body goes through extreme changes, such as pregnancy.
Why you need extra care during the pregnancy?
Every woman has a unique pregnancy story. For some women, pregnancy is a smooth joy ride, while for others, it comes with a lot of physical and skin related complications. It is a time when our hormones behave erratically. Some of our internal organs bear the pressure as they accommodate the growing frame of the baby. And it shows on our legs, feet, hands, and skin.
Even if you set aside the complications, pregnancy is the best time to get pampered and loved. Besides, following some simple beauty hacks for pregnancy will prevent you from getting those stubborn stretch marks or any other pigmentation on your skin. So let’s get started with it.
1. Soothe Itchy Skin with an Oatmeal Bath

Around halfway through your second trimester, you could feel itchiness in the skin around your belly. Avoid scratching yourself. Otherwise, you could end up getting stubborn marks on your skin. Instead, use this soothing oatmeal bath to get rid of the itchiness. It is one of the beauty hacks you can do at home.
Just add a handful of oatmeal and some milk in your bathtub and give yourself a relaxing soak in this soothing bath. Alternatively, put the oatmeal mixed with some milk powder and tie it to your showerhead and let it run over your body.
2. Prevent Stretch Marks

Are you scared that the stretch marks that are showing up in and around your belly will become permanent? Well, we have news for you that will put your worries to rest.
Did you know that switching to postpartum innerwear could help you reduce the chances of getting ugly stretch marks? Postpartum innerwear provides a comfortable fit as opposed to regular ones. Hence, it would be wise to invest in the best postpartum underwear well in advance.
There is one more beauty hack during pregnancy that can help prevent the stretch marks to a large extent if not completely. And the best part is that you don’t have to use any store brought product for this.
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Gently massage your baby bump with rosehip oil or virgin coconut oil. Start doing this from the first trimester so that by the time the baby bump appears, the skin is soft and supple enough to endure the stretch.
It is one of the tried and tested beauty hacks for pregnant women that are very effective in minimizing stretch marks.
3. Relax your feet

It is common to experience foot swelling during pregnancy that can even get painful at times. The remedy for this is to soak your feet in lukewarm water. Get a friend to pamper you to an at-home pedicure. A gentle foot massage would feel extremely relaxing. For extra comfort and you can place some indoor plants for anxiety and stress relief.
4. Prenatal Exercise

If you ask what’s the best beauty hacks during pregnancy? The answer is none other than – prenatal exercises. Do you want to get into your pre-pregnancy outfits? If yes, make sure to follow this one beauty hack while pregnant. It will not only help you to regain your pre-pregnancy body but will ensure that you have a healthy delivery as well.
Regular prenatal exercise and yoga postures will help you deal with several physical as well as emotional issues that are very common during this time. It will help you to embrace the new life with confidence.
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5. Know what to Avoid

Make sure that the beauty products you use do not have any toxic elements. One of the significant beauty hacks while pregnant would be to learn to read the label for ingredients used in skin and hair care products.
Preferably avoid coloring your hair. And if at all you do, try to pick an organic hair color. The same goes for other personal care products as well.
6. Keep yourself well hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is vital for the baby that you carry and for yourself to feed give the body cells what they need to reproduce. General fluid needs increase during pregnancy in order to support fetal circulation, amniotic fluid, and a higher blood volume.
The current recommendation for water intake is drinking 8–10 glasses of water each day. To understand how important is drinking water during pregnancy, please read this Gov article.
With that, we come to the end of our article. We hope you find it easy to follow these beauty hacks to make you prettier while pregnant. Here’s wishing you have a blissful pregnancy.
We would love to hear about your go-to beauty hacks during pregnancy. Please share it with us in the comments below.

Author’s Bio
Amalia Liberman is a wife and a mother of two as well as a novelist and writer, the author has been featured in Women’s Health magazine and also written different articles in lifestyle magazines. Her passions lead her to search out knowledge with all her searching and she doesn’t mind sharing her findings.
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