Best indoor plants to reduce humidity naturally. Bathroom plants that absorb moisture no light. Discover some of the best moisture-absorbing plants and improve the living space by placing some of these plants indoors.

Best indoor plants to reduce humidity naturally

Humidity is a house woe that often goes unnoticed until it manifests as mold and mildew. Both of these dark fungi can wreak havoc on our belongings, our home’s infrastructure, and, much worse – our health. Mold spores are known to irritate the lungs, causing respiratory issues in the short term and long term. While many run out to purchase dehumidifiers, there’s a much simpler and décor-friendly solution – plants.

Best indoor plants to reduce humidity naturally

Plants are nature’s air dehumidifier. Water and air are their bread and butter. So naturally, they like to get a lot of both. By introducing plants to your home, you stand to naturally decrease humidity and air pollution levels. As is to be expected, some plants absorb airborne water particles more readily than others. Here are the top ten:

Spider Plant one of the best plants to absorb indoor moisture

Spider Plant one of the best plants to absorb indoor moisture

The Spider Plant has beautiful long arching leaves that have made it a favorite in today’s modern homes. You’ll often see it perched in hanging baskets or drooping over a coffee table.

However, what truly sets it apart from other household plants is its capability to survive harsh conditions. Apart from that, it removes an impressive 90% of harmful air pollutants inside the house, alongside a large chunk of moisture.

As the Spider Plant absorbs moisture, it draws carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air before emitting oxygen.


Azalea is another plant that absorb moisture naturally

Azaleas are first are foremost known for the colorful beauty of their flowers. Secondly, they’re known for the incredible sponge-like abilities of their leaves.

Finally, it suffices to say that Azaleas just love water. So, keep them substantially watered and keep them in indirect sunlight for optimal dehumidifying results!

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English Ivy 

English Ivy is the top indoor plant that reduces the moisture efficiently all year around

Ivy is a relatively normal sight to see growing outside many rural (and not so rural) English homes. However, while beautiful outside, it can be equally gorgeous inside alongside its more practical benefits.

That’s right, you guessed it, English Ivy is adept at sucking up surrounding moisture. Moreover, due to the broad reach of the plant, can reduce humidity in both high and low areas. This miraculous plant has even been shown to quash airborne molds.

And it can do all that without asking for much in return. All English Ivy requires is minimal sun exposure and for its soil to be kept moist. English Ivy needs a sound drainage system, so make sure you get a pot with plenty of wholes at the bottom. 

Areca Palm

Areca Palm indoors to remove  moisture

The Areca Palm is the “It” plant of the moment. Regularly seen in many Instagram posts and picture-perfect décor magazines, it’s right on-trend. But its incredibly stylish leaves aren’t just easy on the eye; they’re also highly effective at absorbing moisture while encouraging natural airflow throughout the home.

The Areca Palm is at its best in bright but indirect sunlight (you’ll know they’re getting too much when their leaves turn yellow.) They also do well with regular watering, but be sure not too heavyhanded with the watering can!

Golden Pothos

Golden photos  is another indoor plants to reduce humidity naturally all year round

Also known as Devil’s ivy, the Golden Pothos are classic houseplants. And their familiar status comes as no surprise, being able to tolerate a wide range of growing conditions – they’re perfect for all household types. However, due to their thirstiness, they tend to thrive in high humidity. Their funky leaves will lap up the pesky humidity in your home without much bother.

Boston Fern or Nephrolepis exaltata

Boston Fern plant for absorbing indoor moisture

With its lush look, this fast-growing houseplant is one of the most popular for a good reason. Used to moist climates, the fern is just dying to absorb the water droplets contaminating your home’s air.

They also draw in any benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and other such toxins in the air. A hanging basket of gracefully arching ferns is a beautiful contemporary look for any home. Place them in semi-dark areas with indirect sunlight, and mist the leaves occasionally, particularly during winter. This page will explain more about displaying your indoor potted plants.

Peace Lily or scientifically name Spathiphyllum

Peace Lily or scientifically name Spathiphyllum

Peace Lily loves water in every sense. Next to being watered regularly, this plant will successfully absorb moisture from the air. In return, all the Peace Lily asks for is some indirect sun. However, but it can also survive with ease in a lower-light environment.

The Peace Lily is a fast-growing plant that boasts air detoxifying capabilities – perfect for the homeowner who wants cleaner air and fast.


Tillandsia is the best indoor plant to absorb moisture naturally and it looks fabulous as a decor piece

Tillandsia is an incredibly versatile and diverse plant with a genus of around 650 species. It can live off the nutrients and moisture in the air by absorbing them through its leaves. In addition, it can absorb dew, fog, or other forms of vaporous moisture through the stoma in the leaves, leaving your home’s air much lighter. 

Tillandsia is relatively high-maintenance, needing ample sunlight and watering three times a week to survive. Still, having a Tillandsia plant in your home is a win-win situation!


Orchids are not only absorbing moisture but they look extremely appealing and will add a patch of colour to any room
image source: unsplash

Orchids are not only absorbing moisture but they look extremely appealing and will add a patch of color to any room. These moisture-absorbing plants are hard-working plants, but if you’re going to reap their benefits, you’ll also have to put the work in.

While they get their nutrient fill from their surrounding environment, including water and toxins, this dehumidifying powerhouse requires substantial care.

Their soil must be kept moist at all times while the amount of sun they receive needs to be just right (not too much, not too little.) If you can manage their relatively high maintenance. In that case, you stand to have 50-70% of your home’s humidity zapped – no more mold or respiratory worries for you! 


Cactus will do a great job by absorbing indoor moisture

And last but certainly not least, the classic cactus. Living in the arid desert, the cactus has to fight for every last drop of moisture. Evolving in such arid environments has lead the cactus to function as a sponge.

Conveniently, the cactus does not know the difference between your home and its desert habit, meaning it’ll work its ultra-effective sponge-like qualities in your home. And the best part? Cactus is famously hardy and low-maintenance. Some adept gardeners even claim that if a cactus dies by your hands, it has to be down to bad luck.

Final word 

We owe a lot to plants, so why not welcome one of the above water-absorbing indoor plants into your home? Your home’s décor will appreciate the organic flair and your lungs will thank you.

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