Juju hat wall decor ideas. White juju hat decor ideas for bedroom, living room, and kitchen. Juju feather wall hanging decor ideas. Juju feather wall decor. African Juju hat wall decor for adding heritage theme to your home.

What is an African Juju hat?
African Juju hat is originated from Western Cameroon in Central Africa and has been worn by ethnic tribes at important celebrations. The juju hat could be worn only by royal dancers at tribal ceremonies and is believed that symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
Juju hat is traditionally made out of chicken and turkey feathers but you will find fake feathers juju hat looking just as beautiful as natural feathers.
Raffia juju hat for wall décor is another alternative to the traditional feathers juju hat. Some artisans have created their unique pattern of African juju hat along with other tribal macrame wall hanging pieces that will make your home quirky and inviting.
In western culture, the juju hat has become popular for creating an eye-catching interior décor and an additional accessory to create a warm cozy décor.
Why are juju hats so expensive?
In general juju hats are expensive because they are hand-made by artisans in native Africa but in many other places around the world.
Making a juju hat involves intense labor and organic materials such as chicken feathers. A typical juju hat requires a few hours of labor to put together the feathers and the rest pieces until this spectacular piece of art is created.
A cheaper option to own a juju hat is to buy the feathers, or faux feathers and make a juju hat yourself. The process is quite easy if you follow proper instructions. All you need is patience, a few dollars to buy the materials, and time to put together everything.
If making your own juju hat is out of the question and you looking to buy an authentic one, further down we listed some of the most beautiful African juju hat for every budget, along with ideas of how to decorate with this glorious piece of art.
White juju hat for bedroom decor Buy here

Brown Large Juju Hat for lounge decor Buy it here

If you want to save money and create a personalized Juju hat watch this video tutorial to see every single step of how to make your own African Juju hat just as the one below

Traditional African juju hat Buy it here

Boho bedroom decor with feather juju hat on the wall – Buy it here

Set of 4 juju hats natural feathers Buy it here

Lush juju hat bedroom wall decor inspiration Buy it here

Rustic bedroom with juju hat wall hanging decorations – Buy it here

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Fluffy juju hat above the couch for creating a cozy decor Buy it here

Ivory juju hat wall decor on stairway Buy it here

Handmade Raffia juju hat for boho decor enthusiasts Buy it here

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